bersua kembali, entri kali ini saya paparkan pinout mivec ecu. kalau nak pasang apexi SAFC (super air fuel converter), apexi RSM (rev speed meter), apexi turbo timer dan lain-lain memerlukan pinout ecu untuk memudahkan kerja-kerja berkenaan
ini ialah soket 1 (26 pin)
1 - injector 1 ground control (in)
2 - injector 3 ground control (in)
3 -
4 - idle speed control servo coil A1 (in)
5 - idle speed control servo coil B1 (in)
6 -
7 -
8 - fuel pump relay ground control (in)
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 - power source (in)
13 - chasis ground (out)
14 - injector 2 ground control (in)
15 - injector 4 ground control (in)
16 -
17 - idle speed control servo coil A2 (in)
18 - idle speed control servo coil B2 (in)
19 -
20 - a/c control unit (in)
21 - a/c (in)
22 - a/c clutch relay (in)
23 - ignition power transistor B (out)
24 - eletric load switch
25 - power source (in)
26 - ground (+ o2 sensor wire) (out)
socket 2 (16 pin)
1 - RPM signal (out)
2 -
3 -
4 - ignition timing adjustment
5 -
6 - check eingine light control ground (in)
7 - 5V power steering pressure switch (in)
8 -
9 - oil control mivec selenoid (in)
10 - induction valve close
11 - induction valve position sensor 1
12 - diagnostic connector
13 - diagnostic connector
14 - ABS ecu
15 - 5V to engine coolant sensor
16 -
socket 3 (22 pin)
1 - to start (in)
2 - 5V intake temp sensor (out)
3 - EGR temp sensor
4 - no connection
5 - o2 sensor heated type (in)
6 -
7 - no connection
8 - detonation sensor (in)
9 - no connection
10 - battery backup (in)
11 - 5V throttle position sensor (out)
12 - 12V key is tuned to start (in)
13 - 5V to engine coolant sensor (out)
14 - throttle position sensor (in)
15 - atmospheric sensor (in)
16 - 5V to vehicle speed sensor (out)
17 - 5V to idle switch (out)
18 - camshaft position sensor (out)
19 - crank angle sensor (out)
20 -
21 - connected to start (out)
22 - engine coolant temp sensor
ECU 4G92 mivec 7035
ECU mivec 1.6 4828
isi perut dalam ecu
gambar di atas menunjukkan soket ecu mitsubishi yang kebiasaannya berwarna kuning bagi enjin 4G9X. paparan saya kali ini hanya khusus untuk ecu mivec sahaja sama ada ecu kod 4828 ataupun 7035. soket ecu mivec ada 3 iaitu yang pertama soket 1 yang mempunyai 26 pin, soket kedua ada 16 pin dan soket terakhir iaitu soket ketiga mempunya 22 pin. harus diingat ketika hendak mencabut soket ini dari ecu terlebih dahulu tanggalkan terminal negatif bateri untuk mengelakkan sebarang kejadian yang tidak diingini berlaku
ini ialah soket 1 (26 pin)
1 - injector 1 ground control (in)
2 - injector 3 ground control (in)
3 -
4 - idle speed control servo coil A1 (in)
5 - idle speed control servo coil B1 (in)
6 -
7 -
8 - fuel pump relay ground control (in)
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 - power source (in)
13 - chasis ground (out)
14 - injector 2 ground control (in)
15 - injector 4 ground control (in)
16 -
17 - idle speed control servo coil A2 (in)
18 - idle speed control servo coil B2 (in)
19 -
20 - a/c control unit (in)
21 - a/c (in)
22 - a/c clutch relay (in)
23 - ignition power transistor B (out)
24 - eletric load switch
25 - power source (in)
26 - ground (+ o2 sensor wire) (out)
socket 2 (16 pin)
1 - RPM signal (out)
2 -
3 -
4 - ignition timing adjustment
5 -
6 - check eingine light control ground (in)
7 - 5V power steering pressure switch (in)
8 -
9 - oil control mivec selenoid (in)
10 - induction valve close
11 - induction valve position sensor 1
12 - diagnostic connector
13 - diagnostic connector
14 - ABS ecu
15 - 5V to engine coolant sensor
16 -
socket 3 (22 pin)
1 - to start (in)
2 - 5V intake temp sensor (out)
3 - EGR temp sensor
4 - no connection
5 - o2 sensor heated type (in)
6 -
7 - no connection
8 - detonation sensor (in)
9 - no connection
10 - battery backup (in)
11 - 5V throttle position sensor (out)
12 - 12V key is tuned to start (in)
13 - 5V to engine coolant sensor (out)
14 - throttle position sensor (in)
15 - atmospheric sensor (in)
16 - 5V to vehicle speed sensor (out)
17 - 5V to idle switch (out)
18 - camshaft position sensor (out)
19 - crank angle sensor (out)
20 -
21 - connected to start (out)
22 - engine coolant temp sensor
pinout penting untuk penyambungan seperti RSM, SAFC/VAFC, timer dan lain-lain
sekian, terima kasih
jumpa lagi
Boleh tunjukan Pinout untuk ECU 4G63 evo 2364?
ReplyDeletehuh..good info nih brader..
apakah Anda dapat menemukan 4G18 sejak itu?
Deletebelum jumpa lagi pinout ecu waja 4G18P. kalau ada nanti saya emailkan
ReplyDeleteSalam..bang,boleh shared ECU pinout 4g18 waja mmc.tq
DeleteSaya menyambut Anda. Apakah Anda berhasil menemukan outlet kabel 4G18 SOHC? Saya membutuhkannya. alamat email saya adalah
Deletebang jeff.. boleh tunjukkan ECU 4g93 DOHC model galant viento
ReplyDeleteecu 4G93 mitsubishi pinout sama je dengan ecu mivec
ReplyDeleteada org kata pin out 4g92 sigle cam sama ngan waja.. betul bro
ReplyDeleteabg jeff..nak out ecu mivec md ecu code 7036 ade x?
ReplyDeleteslm.... blh bagi tau dak cam mana nk bg laju lg engin 4g93sohc????
ReplyDeleteSalam Abg Jeff.. ECU 4G93 Gti adakah sama gak nga ECU Mivec?
ReplyDeletekalau GTI ecu MMC sama dengan mivec tapi kalau VDO tak sama
ReplyDeletekalo mivec ck punye sama x dia punye pin no? mivec dr model enjin terbalik nie...tq.
ReplyDeletebang jeff. td dok geledah keta tgk la no comp box wira 4g92p. No.nye 5806. dok search lam google td 4g92p no nye 7472. yg sbnarnye comp. box 5806 ni dri model ape erk. harap abg dapat membantu.
ReplyDeletesalam bos....betul ke ecu galant viento touring sama ngn mivec?? Kod ecu tu MD316123...
ReplyDeletesalam bro jef...pinout wira 1.5VDO ada x?...klau ade nti send kat pun trime kasih bnyk2....
ReplyDeleteecu 5806 adalah dari model satria 1.6 single cam 4g92.saya pernah pakai ecu ini sebelum upgrade ke wiring 8618 vr4 2.0 cyclone turbo.
ReplyDeletesalam bang jeff, boleh tolong emailkan ecu diagram untuk wira 1.5 vdo. dah lama cari tapi tak jumpa... email saya, terima kasih banyak2 bang jeff.
ReplyDeleteabg....saya nak mintak ecu pin out untuk 4g93 sohc klu bleh email kat saya
ReplyDeletesalam bang jeff_tacra..nk tye..kalau ble psang ecu 1.8 sohc..7781..plug no 4 xde api..nk bt mcm mane ek??boley repair x??
ReplyDeleteJoe tupai 7781 tu awk masuk dekat wiring apa??? soch 92 ke??
ReplyDeleteBro agbg...kalo ecu7781 masuk kat sohc92 boleh ke???
DeleteBro agbg...kalo ecu7781 masuk kat sohc92 boleh ke???
DeleteSalam Bang Jeff,
ReplyDeleteBole emailkan ECU pinouts 5806 ke . Tq
salam tuan...nk tanye bleh ke kite tambah rev asal ke lebih tggi sedikit?tukar brg dlm ecu ke or mod meter...tq tuan
ReplyDeleteSalam.. saya convert waja saya ke 4g92 mivec md . Semua okay tapi haritu saya breakdown sebab masalah altenator. Sekarang bila saya tekan minyak mivec tak bukak and rpm dia limit sampai 5.5 rpm saja. Tak boleh lebih 5.5 rpm.
ReplyDeletemivec 4g92,masa enjin sejuk start,sendiri mati enjin dan rpm tinggi rendah,apabila enjin dah panas,semua pon tak ade masalah.
ReplyDeleteAssalam bro.boleh tak saya dapatkan digram ecu pinout utk 4G92 sohc.klau ada boleh email kn tak kt
DeleteI need too please
tumpang tanya PINOUT utk plug coil no brp ,plug no 2 dan 3 takde spark tq
ReplyDeleteI need too proton wira 2000 model piout ecu
ReplyDeletewira manual
DeleteSalam abg jef,,nk tnye lau ecu kod 9748 untk krta ape ye,sy btl2 perlu pertlongan abg jef,,Cz sy dh pning lau boleh abg jef Wasap sy0123490906
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ReplyDeleteBoss ape beza ecu 4g92 code 5806 dgn 7472.mintak pencerahan..